Royal Princess - Fire Recovery

February 2010
Royal Princess

Another luxury cruise ship engine room fire occurred onboard the Royal Princess during February 2010, causing extensive damage to machinery, electrical equipment and control.

She lost two engines, engine management system(s), the automation system room and three switchboards all damaged beyond repair.

RGB in partnership with R&B Marine, were asked to help with the restoration work, which was on a very large scale and time sensitive.

The companies having created an emergency team set about the difficult task of repairing the various systems involved.

A Full 24/7 hour operations was carried out to return the vessel to service as soon as possible and as a result only one cruise was cancelled with the ship back in service in only 3 weeks

The commissioning continued in service and the automation system was fully restored after 5 weeks.

RGB provided 35 personnel with supervision, replaced & terminated a total of 18kM of cable and supplied new Switchboards.

A very successful outcome to a very difficult task. 
